Category: Perspectives
Windows 8 is Getting There…
I like what Microsoft is trying to do with Windows 8. I really do. But they still have three fundamental flaws they don’t seem able to overcome. They still have Ballmer at the helm. Get someone with a character like Jeff Bezos or Tim Cook and they’d be all set. They still don’t have a…
What’s Next?
I consume a large volume of industry news on a daily basis, most of which is general business and technology oriented. It seems that a vast majority of the content is focused on what’s next. Focused on tomorrow’s technology. Focused on what’s the next big thing. Focused on Company X’s new, soon to be unveiled…
With Great Exposure…
I am amazed at how many times I’ve heard clients who have said “I have some work for you… it doesn’t pay well, but it will give you great exposure.” As though it’s an honor to be able to work for them, almost to the extent that we should pay them for the opportunity. Even…
Important For Us
Do you base what you do on its importance or urgency in your life? Do you consider the importance or urgency of others in what you do?
A Thousand Words
You can spend an hour preparing a thousand words, or an hour developing the right picture. Which one goes farther with your audience?
What Constitutes an Expert?
What constitutes an expert? Are you an expert because of your education? Because of your experience? Because someone else introduced you as an expert?