Month: September 2011

  • New Site Launch

    I launched a new version of my web site today! While the old site had served me well for a while, it was gradually losing focus as I had repeatedly attempted to incorporate past blog material, and content from other blogs that I had created. Merging everything into a single site was a good starting…

  • Business Service Pricing

    I’ve been to sites several times in the past where consultants, contractors, designers, or developers fail to provide any information on pricing or fees for their services. It always frustrated me, but as I moved along further in my business work, I discovered the reason: pricing is highly subjective when doing business development, and fixed…

  • Getting in Contact

    When contacting me, particularly through the “Ask Me” section of the site, please be sure to supply at least one point of contact if you want me to answer a question directly!

  • Important For Us

    Do you base what you do on its importance or urgency in your life? Do you consider the importance or urgency of others in what you do?

  • Seeing What Is, Not What Isn’t

    Do you see the world as it is… or as you are?

  • Being Overburdened

    Small Business owners rarely get a break. You aren’t just a company owner, you’re its face, its hands, its feet and its source of nourishment. But are you keeping yourself strengthened enough to sustain your business long-term?

  • A Thousand Words

    You can spend an hour preparing a thousand words, or an hour developing the right picture. Which one goes farther with your audience?

  • What Constitutes an Expert?

    What constitutes an expert? Are you an expert because of your education? Because of your experience? Because someone else introduced you as an expert?